Case study

How GBT saves $50K per employee annually with Prezent

Jessica Cara

November 7, 2022

“Before Prezent, we were spending close to 60% of our time making our slides look good.”

Nikhil Bhat
Sr. Director, Strategy and Operations at GBT


GBT is focused on improving the care of people living with sickle cell disease and other underserved patient communities. Nikhil Bhat leads the strategy and operations division and advises the company’s commercial strategy. His team collaborates with sales and marketing departments, and team members use presentations as their primary method of communication.


In a company where presentations are the primary method of communication among teams, the creation of those presentations can’t distract from a team’s actual purpose. Before Prezent, Bhat’s team was spending more time creating and tweaking slides than analyzing data.  

“My teammates were getting frustrated, saying they need to pay so much attention to the visual aspects of their presentation. Whereas the meat of their job, or the skills that they use, is actually in data analysis,” says Bhat. 

For support, GBT hired outside design agencies. But Bhat’s team found the process time-consuming and inefficient, as it could take up to 3 weeks to receive a workable first draft of the presentation, after the initial 1-2 hours needed to download all the essential data and information.


GBT wanted to spend less time and money designing presentations—and Prezent was the answer. After Bhat purchased Prezent software licenses for his entire team, others in the organization to notice the quality of the presentations and the productivity of Bhat’s team. 

“Everybody saw the value in [Prezent] because everybody has to communicate what they’re doing to somebody else.” says Bhat. 

With Prezent, Bhat says his team has cut down their presentation building time by 50% because they no longer have to worry about tweaking designs and finishing details.

“Now people are able to spend more thoughtful time on solving the actual problem versus thinking about earmarking time to put the slides together because they already know they have a reliable source with Prezent,” says Bhat.


The efficiency and quality of the presentations were seen across GBT and soon other departments within the organization were asking to know the secret to Bhat’s productive team. Bhat showed Prezent to his colleagues, which led to the enterprise-wide adoption of more than 450 people now using Prezent. 

Prezent’s Customer Success team handled the rollout, including setting up an SSO, creating Fingerprints for executive members in the platform, and hosting onboarding training sessions for new users. Following the enterprise-wide adoption of Prezent, the Customer Success team continues to support all member requests and needs.

The Prezent team is great and very responsive,” says Bhat. “In fact, at one point we had a presentation and for some reason our licenses were expired and [Customer Success] responded in 15 minutes to get it all up and running.”


With Prezent, all employees at GBT are efficient with their presentations and can devote their time to the data and content, rather than the details and design. Bhat estimates this is a 30% time-saving per full-time employee (FTE), which roughly translates to $50–60K per FTE per year.

In addition, GBT no longer needs to hire expensive design agencies, saving them time (the 1-3 weeks to receive a first draft) and about $8-10K per presentation.

Ready to transform how your team tackles presentations? Reduce effort and expense instantly.

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