How to present survey results effectively

Learn how to use visuals, simplify complex information, and tell a compelling story with your results.


Supriya Sarkar

Delivering presentations

Step-by-step guide on how to present survey results effectively.

Table of contents

Surveys are essential in business because they provide direct insights from customers, employees, and other stakeholders, enabling informed decision-making. They can help improve products and services, enhance customer satisfaction, boost employee morale, understand market trends, and assist in benchmarking performance.

However, conducting surveys and gathering survey results are just one part of the process. Presenting the survey report in an easy and understandable manner is crucial to helping stakeholders make informed decisions.

In this article, we will look into the step-by-step process of turning your survey data into a compelling, informative presentation.

Why showcasing survey results with presentations is essential?

Showcasing survey results with presentations is crucial for effectively communicating insights to stakeholders. Various surveys serve different purposes. For example, a product survey can inform the product team about which features customers like or dislike, enabling modifications to suit their target audience better.

However, not all stakeholders have the time or expertise to analyze each survey response and draw conclusions. In such scenarios, survey result presentations are the most appropriate tool to summarize findings in a digestible and engaging manner.

Effective presentation of survey results is essential for several reasons:

Clarity: Clear presentations help audiences quickly and accurately understand the findings.

Engagement: Engaging presentations keep the audience interested and focused.

Decision-making: Well-presented data supports informed decision-making.

Credibility: Professional presentations enhance the credibility of the data and the organization.

By summarizing complex survey data into concise, visual, and well-structured presentations, businesses can ensure that the insights gained are accessible and actionable for all stakeholders.

How to present survey results?

We have now seen that when you present your survey results clearly and effectively, it will directly contribute to organizational growth. Let's explore the essential steps and best practices for creating an impressive and impactful survey result presentation.

Learn about your audience-

Understanding the audience is the first step in effectively presenting your survey results. Knowing your audience helps you filter through the extensive data to select only the parts that are most relevant to them.

Since not all data will apply to every audience, consider the following questions before starting your presentation

Who is your audience?

Identify their roles, educational backgrounds, professional experiences, and interests. Consider their demographics, values, strong opinions, and cultural factors to tailor your message effectively.

What do they need to know?

Focus on data that addresses their specific concerns, challenges, and goals. Prioritize information that aligns with their values and helps solve their pain points. Use the type of data and evidence that resonates most with them, whether statistical or anecdotal.

How will they use the information?

Tailor your presentation to support their decision-making processes. Understand their preferred communication styles and the context in which they operate. For mixed audiences, identify key decision-makers and adapt your approach to ensure clarity and engagement for all attendees.

Choose the relevant survey data to share.

When presenting your data, it's crucial to focus on the most impactful findings for your audience. This involves selectively analyzing and presenting data that provides valuable insights and supports your narrative. The following approach will help you in your data selection and presentation:

1- Answers key questions:

Ask these three questions to identify the relevant data set.

  • What is the goal?  Start by revisiting the main objectives of your survey. What were you trying to find out? Understanding these goals will help you focus on the data that matters most.
  • What is the audience’s concern? Consider your audience's specific questions and concerns. What information are they most interested in? Tailoring your data selection to their needs ensures relevance and engagement.
  • What are the insights? From the vast amount of data collected, filter out responses that directly answer these key questions. This targeted approach helps in delivering precise and impactful insights.

2- Highlights trends and patterns:

Look for notable trends or patterns in the data that reveal significant insights for the audience.

For example, suppose a large percentage of respondents prefer a particular feature of your product. In that case, this becomes an excellent insight for the product team to focus on and improve for the customers.

3- Supports your conclusions:

Presenting data and insights as they are won't strongly support your suggestions. Present your data in a way that logically leads to your conclusions. Start with the raw data, move through analysis, and end with clear, supported findings.

Ensure the data you present directly backs up your conclusions and recommendations, highlighting how specific data points and trends reinforce your main messages. By structuring your data presentation logically, you make a stronger, more persuasive case for your conclusions and recommendations.

Create a storyline using the survey report:

A compelling storyline helps convey survey results more effectively by making the presentation engaging and easy to follow. Therefore, structure your presentation with a clear beginning, middle, and end:

1- The beginning- Introduction:

The start of a presentation plays an important role in capturing the audience's attention and building the foundation for a successful presentation. Provide background information on why the survey was conducted and explain the problem or question that prompted the study. Articulating the survey's objectives clearly sets expectations for your audience and provides a framework for the data you will present.

2- The middle- Main findings:

Highlight the most important and relevant data from the survey. Use charts, graphs, and other visual aids to make these points clear and impactful. Go beyond just presenting the data. Explain what the numbers mean and why they are significant. Discuss any trends, patterns, or notable insights from the data.

You can incorporate examples and quotes from the survey responses to add depth and context to your findings. This helps to humanize the data and makes it more relatable.

3- The end- Conclusion:

There are various ways to end your presentation. Some of the ways that you can use to end your presentation constructively are:

  • Summarization: Provide a recap of the most critical insights from the survey. This helps reinforce the main points and ensures your audience retains the vital information.
  • Recommend a CTA: Provide clear, actionable recommendations based on the data and analysis. What should the audience do next? How can they use this information to make informed decisions?
  • Conceptualization: Mention any additional steps or further research that might be necessary. This shows that you are thinking ahead and considering the long-term implications of the survey results.

Select the correct data visualization technique-

Surveys can reveal valuable trends and feedback that might otherwise be overlooked. Quantitative data makes patterns visibly clear and facilitates stakeholder decision-making when presented effectively through data visualization. Therefore, selecting an appropriate chart format is crucial for the effectiveness of your presentation.

Choosing the right type of charts and graphs facilitates understanding the story your data points are communicating. Below are some popular types of graphs and charts you can use to showcase your survey results:

  • Bar charts: Ideal for comparing quantities across different categories.
  • Pie charts: Best for showing proportions and percentages of a whole.
  • Line graphs: Useful for displaying trends over time.
  • Histograms: Effective for showing the distribution of data points.
  • Scatter plots: Great for illustrating relationships between two variables.
  • Heat maps: Perfect for showing the intensity of data at specific points.

Here are a few examples of survey results presented with data visuals:

A-    Data representing the age of primary consumers with bar graph:

B-    Data representing customer satisfaction with donut diagram:

C-   Data representing Product survey results in infographic form:

By selecting the correct infographics, data graphs, and charts, you can tell a story with your survey results. This will be engaging and make it easy for the stakeholders to grasp key insights and make informed decisions.

Avoid common presentation and design mistakes:

When presenting survey results, common mistakes can undermine the effectiveness of your presentation. Awareness of these pitfalls can help you deliver more impactful and professional results. Here are some critical mistakes to avoid:

  • Avoid biased results- Ensure your analysis and presentation are free from sampling and reporting bias. Use representative samples and present data objectively.
  • Avoid overstating- Don’t draw causal conclusions without strong supporting evidence. Correlation does not imply one variable is the cause of the other, so be clear about the limitations of your data.
  • Focus on key variables- Don’t get lost in excessive data. Concentrate on the most relevant variables that provide meaningful insights.
  • Design clarity guidelines-
    • Use simple, clean backgrounds to keep the focus on your content.
    • Only show significant points on each slide. This keeps your presentation concise and impactful.
    • Break up large blocks of text to improve readability. Use bullet points, charts, and visuals to convey information effectively.

Create a supporting survey report:

A supporting survey report can provide complete details that complement the main presentation. Since not all your data and analysis can be included in your presentation, you can create additional reports for your stakeholder’s reference. This document would provide:

  • Provide in-depth analysis- Explain the context and background of the survey in more detail than in the presentation. Include methodology, sample size, and any relevant background information. You can also provide Subgroup Analysis by breaking down the data by demographics or segments to show how results vary across different groups.
  • Highlight additional insights- Include findings that didn’t make it into the main presentation but are still valuable. These might include less prominent trends or more detailed respondent feedback.
  • Detailed recommendations- Expand on the recommendations from your presentation with more comprehensive action plans. Include step-by-step suggestions for implementing changes based on the survey data.

Example of survey result presentation template:

Effectively communicating survey results is essential for organizations to make informed decisions and improve based on feedback. A clear and well-structured presentation is critical to conveying survey findings persuasively.

Below is an example of a professionally designed survey result PowerPoint template that visually presents survey data using charts, graphs, and tables. This template was created with best practices in mind, ensuring clarity and supporting informed decision-making. It helps enhance organizational effectiveness and performance based on survey feedback.

How to create a survey results presentation with Prezent?

Prezent is an AI-powered business communication platform equipped with powerful features to help you build impactful and visually appealing survey result presentations in 50% less time. Here’s how Prezent can enhance your presentation:

  • Auto-generator: This feature generates quick on-brand slides with simple prompts, allowing you to create initial slides effortlessly and efficiently.
  • Story builder: A powerful AI tool that helps you integrate compelling narratives naturally and effectively. With over 1,000 storylines to choose from, you can create presentations that improve retention and impact.
  • Slide library: Access a library of more than 35,000 brand-aligned professionally designed slides for various business scenarios. The slide library offers numerous data visualization formats you can customize with your data, ensuring your presentation is informative and visually engaging.

Discover more exciting features of Prezent AI by scheduling a demo with our experts. Learn how Prezent can help you create compelling presentations quickly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on your core tasks. Alternatively, explore the platform yourself with a free trial.

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